How can the pathway support investments and access to clean energy?

What was of interest at the talk to address the investment gap and access to clean energy?

From the conversation between Cefic President and CEO of BASF, Dr. Martin Brudermüller and Dutch MEP Bas Eickhout (Greens/EFA) I took away the following:

  • The pathway should bring a sense of urgency for all, it sets the WHAT and WHEN (targets and timeline) but on the HOW is still not precise enough. It is a co-created document and should also be co-implemented and translated into national level.

  • On both ends there is more work to do in order to create trust and provide clarity on the regulatory and commitment at company level.

  • Most urgent topic: Investments are not going to EU.

    • Funds might be a good stimulus but other solutions need speeding up, like permitting.

    • Member states play a crucial role to enable and accelerate the access to clean energy, for example, in improving the interconnectivity grid.

    • Must we learn from the Americans approach focusing on the Opex rather than on the Capex to stimulate investments?


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