There is huge potential and a full range of opportunities in the decarbonization of industrial activities, we are experiencing exciting times defining now how the future will look like.
One of the mayor challenges I encountered during my research was the limited specific literature that studies the industrial decarbonisation risks and opportunities and how the theoretical approach could be turned into action and execution. I found out that it was mainly due to the relatively recent development of the topic, the lesser attention the chemical industry receives and its own complexities. My pursue for an action driven approach made me connect the academic world with the frontrunning work of leading institutions.
This blog explores the latest events, news related to the energy transition and advancements in the industrial decarbonisation field. It benchmarks the milestones of other value chains that could potentially be of interest to the transformation of the chemical industry.
In a structural fashion, the blog showcases literature reviews that supports and enriches the four transversal areas that determine how to accelerate the deployment of the decarbonisation road map according to Ana´s view, which are:
Technical options
Although the global scale of the challenge ahead is acknowledged, the scope of the blog is mainly European, with the vision of expanding it in the future.