The launch of the EU Transition Pathway for the chemical industry
What was of interest at launch of the EU Transition Pathway talk?
From the conversation between Kerstin Jorna, the European Commission's Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and Cefic Director General, Marco Mensink I took away the following:
The Transition Pathway is common ground for the policy and company perspectives. In terms of timing and investments, policy makers and companies need to feed each other.
From the single market perspective, understanding supply chains and anticipate to shocks is key, which means transformative thinking for an industry that touches so many other supply chains.
We need to learn from other success stories. The first industrial pathway was implemented for the tourism sector. Sector composed by many, small service companies. They created a platform to share and member states adopted the pathway fast due to the weight the sector have in their GDP.
How to make it happen: we need continuous dialogue and flexibility to adapt.
One year from now:
Advanced renewable energy at the factory gate.
Increase H2 availability
See a positive trend
Look at investments made